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Featured Environmental Law Cases of McGregor Legere & Stevens, PC - Boston Environmental Law Firms, Lawyers, Attorneys https://www.mcgregorlaw.com Mon, 07 Oct 2024 01:21:49 -0400 en-gb Litigation to Clear Way For Berkshire's Hoosac Wind Farm https://www.mcgregorlaw.com/client-results/featured-cases/item/13:litigation-berkshire-hoosac-wind-farm https://www.mcgregorlaw.com/client-results/featured-cases/item/13:litigation-berkshire-hoosac-wind-farm Litigation to Clear Way For Berkshire's Hoosac Wind Farm

We obtained for our client wind farm developer, after seven years of litigation, a decision from the Supreme Judicial Court, favorable in all respects, denying on the merits an appeal by citizen groups under the Wetland Protection Act and allowing our client’s wind turbine project (known as Hoosac Wind) to be built on Crum Hill in Munroe, MA and Bakke Mountain in Florida, MA (in the Berkshires).

Ten Local Citizen Group v. New England Wind, LLC. This ruling, concluding numerous public reviews, agency permits, adjudicatory hearings, and court litigation, cleared the way for the largest land based wind farm in Massachusetts, with 19 turbine, now producing 28.5 MW for Iberdrola Renewables.


gimcg@mcgregorlaw.com (Gregor I. McGregor, Esq.) Featured Cases Mon, 16 Feb 2015 14:30:57 -0500