
McGregor Legere & Stevens, PC takes the mystery out of environmental law and makes it work for our clients.

Environmental law is a comprehensive body of legislation, court-made principles, agency regulations, and contract obligations governing corporate, governmental, and private activities which affect the natural environment or public health and safety.

Environmental law has grown from just a short list of federal and state statutes to include thousands of court decisions interpreting and enforcing them. It has gone beyond just prohibitions and restrictions to provide tax breaks and financial aid to encourage beneficial activities. It is not the sole responsibility of federal and state government, but includes city and town bylaws and ordinances as well as rules and regulations of regional agencies like the Cape Cod Commission, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, and special purpose districts dealing with water, sewage, transportation, and land use. In addition to regulating private behavior, it has changed how government works by controlling pollution from public facilities; imposing limits on management of public lands; allocating valuable public resources such as oil and gas, fisheries, water, and minerals; and requiring that environmental impact statements justify major government policies, permits, and projects.

Environmental litigation has expanded beyond the court system into the administrative agencies which conduct adjudicatory trials on permits and other approvals, enforcement orders, environmental cleanups, and imposition of money penalties.

Across this spectrum of environmental law, we offer advice and representation with practical, results-oriented lawyering.